Guidelines on the application of competition law in the gig economy
European Commission has set out Guidelines on the application of EU competition
law to collective agreements. The Guidelines concern the conditions of solo
self-employed persons.
bargaining between employees and employers is outside the scope of EU
competition law.
the self-employed are considered to be "undertakings" under EU law
and an agreement between them risks being in breach of Article 101 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
Commission's Guidelines set out the circumstances in which solo self-employed
are comparable to workers and therefore not subject to Article 101 of the TFEU.
Commission also sets out the conditions where it will not intervene against
collective agreements that aim to correct a clear imbalance in the bargaining power
of solo self-employed persons and the other contracting party and which, by
their nature and purpose, aim to improve working conditions.
Commission has stated that it renew its guidelines on collective agreements for
the self-employed by 2030.