FCA issues first
statement of objections to asset managers
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced on 29
November that it has issued a statement of objections to four asset management
firms alleging infringements of the Chapter I prohibition and/ or Article 101
This is the first time that the FCA has issued a statement
of objections in relation to suspected competition law breaches since it
obtained concurrent competition enforcement powers in April 2015. The FCA stated in the annual concurrency
report (published in April 2017) that it had opened one Competition Act
investigation in March 2016 and another in March 2017
The FCA takes the provisional view that four firms - Artemis
Investment Management LLP, Hargreave Hale Ltd., Newton Investment Management
Limited/The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and River and Mercantile Asset
Management LLP/River and Mercantile Group PLC - exchanged sensitive information
through disclosure of the price they intended to pay in relation to one or more
Initial Public Offerings and one placing before the prices were set. According to the FCA, these practices enabled
firms to know each other’s strategies during the placing when they should have
been acting in competition.
Any person who can materially assist the investigation may
request a non-confidential version of the statement of objections by contacting
the FCA no later than 12 January 2018, explaining how they can assist.