Thursday, 22 February 2018

European Commission settles three cartel cases in vehicles sector

On 21 February, the European Commission announced three separate cartel settlements.  These are the first cartel decisions announced by the Commission so far this year.  What is particularly striking about these cases is their connection with a key European industry sector: cars and trucks.

The first case concerns the market for deep sea transport of cars, trucks and large vehicles on routes between Europe and other regions.  The Commission imposed fines totalling EUR 395 million on CSAV, "K" Line, NYK, and WWL-EUKOR.  MOL received immunity from fines.

The second case involves suppliers of spark plugs in the EEA. The Commission imposed fines totalling EUR76 million on Bosch and NGK.  Denso received full immunity from fines.

A third case concerns braking systems in two separate cartels.   The Commission imposed a total fine of EUR75 million.  TRW received immunity in relation to the hydraulic braking systems cartel and Continental received immunity in relation to the electronic braking systems cartel.

Sources:  Cases AT.40009 (maritime car carriers), AT.40113 (spark plugs) and AT.39920 (braking systems).

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