The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) has ruled that Walter
Merricks’ collective competition law damages claims against MasterCard are
time-barred in respect of any loss suffered before 20 June 1997.
In January 2023, the CAT granted Merricks permission to
argue that limitation periods should be postponed under both English and Scots
law to allow for the inclusion of claims that had already been time-barred when
the Competition Act took effect in 2003.
The CAT rejected the Class Representative's (CR) arguments
that the operation of the primary six-year limitation period was suspended
pursuant to either section 32(1)(b) or section 32(2) of the Limitation Act
m1980. The CAT found no deliberate concealment of relevant facts nor any
deliberate breach of duty for the purposes of these provisions.
The CAT’s findings on the application of the EU principle of
effectiveness are instructive. The CAT
ruled that “the EU principle of effectiveness does not impose a hard-edged
rule that for such proceedings the limitation period cannot (sic) being to run
until the ‘average class member’ can reasonably be expected to discover the
relevant facts necessary to bring those proceedings or be aware that they have
suffered harm as a result of the alleged infringement” (para 109).
Rather, “[s]ince the class representative is the person
bringing the proceedings, we consider that for the purpose of the EU principle
of effectiveness, the knowledge requirement should apply to the class
representative. We have already observed that, here, the CR was very far from
being in the position of the average class member or average consumer: para 61
above. The burden is on the CR to displace the operation of the primary
limitation period and we did not hear any evidence as to what the CR knew or
could reasonably have discovered” (para 110).
It follows that the CAT will be slow to displace the normal
limitation rules by the EU principle of effectiveness. The relevant knowledge is that of the CR and
not the “average class member”.
Case 1266/7/7/16 Walter Hugh Merricks CBE v MasterCard
Incorporated and Others