Thursday 6 June 2024

Judgment granting application by Ad Tech to bring collective proceedings against Google for abuse of dominance


The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) has given judgment on the application for a collective proceedings order (CPO) brought by Ad Tech Collective Action LLP (the PCR) under section 47B of the Competition Act 1998, against Alphabet Inc, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Google UK Limited.

The action concerns an opt-out claim concerning Google's alleged conduct in relation to sale of digital display advertising.

The application combines two standalone claims originally brought separately by Mr Claudio Pollack and Mr Charles Arthur for damages caused by alleged breaches by Google of Article 102 of the TFEU and the Chapter II prohibition of the Competition Act 1998.

Google argued that the claim form was insufficiently pleaded so as to preclude certification at this stage because the Pro-Sys v Microsoft test was not satisfied.  The CAT rejected those arguments.   

The CAT held that limitation issues should be dealt with as part of the main trial, rather than as questions of strike out. The CAT further held that the points raised by Google as to a potential conflict of interest within the proposed class would be more effectively dealt with during the course of proceedings. The CAT also resisted a claim that the PCR should change the arrangements for its legal representation.

Ad Tech Collective Action LLP v Alphabet Inc and others [2024] CAT 38

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